August Videos

Posted on 1800/01/01
player getting ready to throw ball
The Eagles snatched victory from the jaws of defeat to win their Homecoming game against Artesia on Aug. 31.
two girls walking piggy back in parade
Lights, camera action was the theme of the Aug. 31 Homecoming Parade on Broadway.
girl and boy smiling in with crowns
HHS homecoming royalty were crowned at halftime of the Aug. 31 football game.
player setting ball
The volleyball team rallied to beat Onate 3-2 during a home match on Aug. 28.
two girls laughing after scoring
The Lady Eagles beat Artesia 6-0 at home on Aug. 28.
two kids in rat costumes looking cute
The rats were uncommingly friendly during an Aug. 25 Missoula Children's Theatre performance of The Pied Piper.
eagle running back surrounded by tacklers
The Eagle suffered a 32-21 loss to Clovis in its opening game of the season on Aug. 24.
girl in crowd holding up sign
HHS celebrated its first pep rally of the school year on Aug. 24.
guy in uniform with diploma with 2 school administrators
Kristian Marchington received his diploma on the job via special delivery on Aug. 21.
school board holding oversized check
Chevron made their $101,000 donation to Heizer for a STEM program official at the Aug. 21 school board meeting.
football player with helmet off
Participants in fall sports were recognized during Eagle night on  Aug. 20.
four people on skype screen
HMS Supt. TJ Parks caught up with three 2012 HHS grads in a three-part conversation. Click on numbers for each part:  1, 2 and 3.
lady with green slime being poured on head by student
College Lane Librarian Kayleigh Culver got slimed on Aug. 17 as a reward for students who returned library books.
mom hugging daughter in classroom
More than 10,000 students arrived for school on the first day of class on Aug. 15.
 two boy scouts in parade  A precursor to the start of school as the Aug. 8 Lea County Fair Parade.
girl marching with hands in air
Band members and football players got back in "playing" shape when two-a-days started on Aug. 6.
superintendent hugging cafeteria lady
Longtime "cafeteria lady" Misty Holladay was honored during a July 31 banquet - a day before her retirement.
 three students walking down hall
Incoming sixth-graders got a "Jump Start" on learning during an Aug. 7 orientation morning.
student acception plaque
HHS students who earned qualifying AP scores picked up $24,000 in bonuses at a July 31 banquet.

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